
Pulling the threads behind the music we love…

Welcome to the DenverThread Unraveler. It’s our page dedicated to telling stories behind, beneath, around and about the music we love, and the people who thread all of it together. In Unraveler you’ll find stories about and from fans, part-time musicians, eccentrics, magicians, lovers, haters – you name it. Stop by often and pull threads to find what kind of magic lies behind the scenes. We hope to amaze you, or at least make you laugh.

Join my band!

A segment of the infamous Milwaukee “Band Flier” that brought so much joy to the streets.

Shooting My Rock n’ Roll Wad

For our inaugural post for Unraveler, we’ve got a treat. Guest author Mike Argeropoulous, a native of Chicago by way of Marquette, Michigan – and plenty of hilarious and creative stops in between – offers a cautionary tale. Whether you believe it or not, enjoy the tale of revenge, of the slacker variety, as Argeropoulous shoots his rock wad…

A segment of the infamous Milwaukee “Band Flier” that brought so much joy to the streets.

My rock and roll career was a stillborn goatchild, a sad forlorn creature, with the tiniest of nubbin horns hardly begun to form. I had no chops, no rhythm, no voice, no poise. Boo hoo. Still, I came close to creating the most grandiose, most spiteful cartoon band in the history or Rock n Roll. This band would have lit your gonads on fire. But you can’t build a band out of mockery and spite unless you have some soul to throw in, too.
One day I was riding my bike down a major street in Milwaukee and a driver opened the door of a parked car and hit me. I was scraped up a little but not too bad, but my bike suffered a busted derailleur and I couldn’t ride it any further. The girl who hit me was apologetic and agreed to pay for the cost to repair my bike. Two days later I called her with a request for $24.
‘Um, my boyfriend says I don’t have to pay for that,’ said Chris, the girl who doored me.
‘You hit me on my bike. You said you would pay for the repairs.’
‘My boyfriend says I don’t have to.’
She hung up.

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