Guided By Voices at the Gothic, June 4, 2014 (Reverb Review)
June 6, 2014
Guided by Voices played the Gothic last Wednesday night, fueled by just the right cooler-full. (Photo: John Moore – Denver Post Reverb)
Robert Pollard and his “Classic Lineup” of Guided by Voices played the Gothic Theatre last Wednesday night – with a vengeance. For nearly three hours, and through upwards of 50 tunes and including three set-long encores, Pollard and the boys proved to a modest-but-rabid crowd that age ain’t nothin’ to the true rock ‘n roll heart.
More than that, GBV once again proved that they’re one of rock’s best live acts. Period. They emulated every seminal band from every significant genre of rock from the past 4 decades – Ramones, Stooges, Motorhead, British Invasion, Psychedelia – and they made each genre their own. Check out my full review of the show over at Reverb, and catch the rest of John Moore’s brilliant photos.
At this rate, Pollard will be seeing all of our funerals before slowing down.