Live Reverb Review – Duran Duran at Ogden Theater, Wednesday, April 20, 2011
April 21, 2011
Nick Rhodes hasn’t changed at all in more than three decades. Neither have John or Roger Taylor. Simon Le Bon? Aside from growing a rough beard that makes his face just a little more round (and a voice that’s missing some of it’s youthful squeal from time to time), he also looks timeless. Up close in the tightly packed confines of the Ogden last Wednesday night, the original members of Duran Duran might have looked even better than I remembered them when they were helping to lay the foundations for MTV.
And their performance didn’t disappoint, either. Through sixteen songs over 80 minutes, the iconic group delighted a gathering of fans that looked like they’d been at the same party since the video of “Hungry Like The Wolf” came out.
Read the entire review, and catch many more of Nathan Iverson’s photos, at Denver Post Reverb!!!