Riot Fest 2014, Denver, Day 3 – Review, Slideshow
September 23, 2014
Manchester Orchestra brought it hard and loud to the final day of this year’s Riot Fest. (Photo: Isobel Thieme/DenverThread)
The rain was the winner of the day for day three in Denver – and not just because The National gave up and stormed off (pun intended). The day was eventful, with a brilliant set from The Violent Femmes (wherein Gordon Gano revealed his new Colorado residency – and showed off his new drivers license), covering their whole first album, joined by the Horns of Dilemma – totaling somewhere around 10 additional horns of all types. Manchester Orchestra may have had the strongest set of the day, bringing their unique, loud and gratifying brand of post-hardcore back to Denver. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes reuinited for a satisfying hardcore bout, while Cerebral Ballzy put on a fantastic – and fantastically fast – version of their own Bad Religion meets meth hardcore set. Wounds debuted from Dublin – bringing some great feeling screamo to the Revolt Stage, and then the rain really set in. Sound on the May Farms Stage began to degenerate with the TV on the Radio set, and was totally gone by the time The National tried to close down the festival. Crowds were sparse – even for Wu Tang Clan.
Here’s our abbreviated slideshow of Day 3:
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