Thievery Corporation Slays Red Rocks, as Usual
August 8, 2017[slideshow_deploy id=’7038′]
Photos by Sandisz Thieme
Last Saturday, I found myself at Morrison’s very own Red Rocks Amphitheater listening to what I thought was the soundtrack to “Hollywood’s Top Ten Drug-Induced-Orgy Scenes.” Just over a week ago, I had never heard of the band I was there to see, Thievery Corporation (so much for suspense, but you read the title), and wasn’t exactly excited to see them. I liked what music I had heard, I was just worried the concert would be a total snore-fest for your average 19 year old millennial, frequenting punk/rap shows with mosh pits (me) and I couldn’t find a plus one (most of my friends are the same sort of aforementioned millennial).
All of that said, I was pleasantly surprised! After a brief weather delay, Thievery Corporation took the stage to play their drug-induced-orgy-soundtrack-type music, which makes for a damned good soundtrack. They played in a number of different languages, spanning a series of genre from reggae to rap to an acoustic/techno sort of thing.
The venue was taken over by Rob Garza and Eric Hilton’s hecka beats, the beautiful voices of Loulou Ghelichkhani, Natalia Clavier, and Frank ‘Booty Lock’ Mitchell and some remarkably sick raps by Mr.Lif, while Jeff Franca took the drums, Ashish Vyas was on bass, and we were even treated to the occasional sitar solo by Rob Myers, plus a few extras now and again on things like trumpet, saxophone and a second drumset with bongos and a xylophone.
The music made for a great night on the rocks and the entire venue was full of love, a little of that dank-kush, and all that good shit, though there was an unsurprising lack of shoes in the audience, as well as on stage (look for photos of Ashish Vyas).