Winnetka Bowling League Scores a Strike at the Marquis

Winnetka Bowling League Scores a Strike at the Marquis

November 7, 2021 Off By Christina Lane
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Photos: Oliver Thieme

When a band has a name as interesting as Winnetka Bowling League, they are bound to bring more to their show than expected. That is exactly what they did. Like many other artists during this time, playing at the Marquis in Denver Colorado was their first live music experience since quarantine started in March of 2020.

While it would make sense for a band to be rusty coming back after such a stretch of time, WBL came in swinging and swinging hard. They brought energy, they brought charisma, they brought all the hype they needed to put on a phenomenal show.

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Winnetka Bowling League brought energy, they brought charisma, they brought all the hype they needed…

While it is not completely clear as to why, they are currently touring without a bass player. But do not fret (pun intended), because thanks to Reddit, they have the great help of cardboard Robert Pattinson, standing center stage strapped with an inflatable guitar, and others cardboard cutouts, absolutely stealing the show. They do a fantastic job balancing their idiosyncrasies and jokes with the music itself. This creates shows that are unique and genuine to each audience but don’t vary so much to the point that there is no consistency.